Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Cowgirl's Christmas

I really wanted to like A Cowgirl's Christmas far more than I actually did. C.J. Carmichael had a great concept, but her story fell short. Callan Carrigan has been working the family ranch by her father's side for years, but when he dies he leaves it to his cousin's son Court McAllister. For most of the story Callan goes out of her way to avoid Court and is determined to turn down every nice gesture he makes. It was understandable because she felt betrayed by her father, but I couldn't really see how it resulted in her falling in love with Court. Court falling for Callan was a little more believable, but I also felt like their interactions weren't very strong or frequent in the story. Towards the end, it felt like the author hit her maximum page count and suddenly had to finish the story. To make it more believable I feel the story would have had to go on another 100 or so pages and the characters should have actually dated or at least had more than a couple of pleasant interactions. I can only give this story 2.5 stars and only recommend it to someone who wants a quick Christmas read.

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