Monday, August 26, 2024

The Beast & His Beauty



Willow Winters

Release Date: August 26

They don’t go to the brick wall.  No one in the village does.  Ever since I was a little girl, everyone has warned me not to go or even to look at it.  And if you happen to find yourself close to the wall, run as fast and as far away as you can.  The magic from the beast creeps beyond the wall, but not by much.

No one who values their life approaches the enchanted area, let alone searches out the gate.  Everyone is sure not to provoke the enchanted area.  Those who do, don’t come back to tell their tales.

The magic is dark.  And it’s all from the beast.

FOR THE LAST 19 YEARS OF MY LIFE, I’ve heard the tales and been warned to stay away.  The thing is though, I’m not a very good listener.  I got lost in the magic.  He scented me.  He claimed me with a bite on my neck.  And I ran.  Quickly and with a new terror racing in my heart.

I swore I would never return.  I would not trust the magic and allow it to entrance me again.  I would not risk being caught in the hands of the Beast again.  

But that was months ago and I miss the magic.  Not only that, but I dream of the beast.  It’s not a dream I’d admit to out loud, but it’s a dream I’d like to see come true.

Where you can find it!

This book was so deliciously spicy! Elle and The Prince had a fantastic connection and the beast aspect was so yum! Great story that was well written and beautifully smutty. 

Meet Willow Winters:

I started writing after having my little girl, Evie, December of 2015. All during my pregnancy with her I read. I only wanted to read romance novels and I read everything I could get my hands on. I would read a book a day — sometimes two. In January I was staying up late with her and just thinking of all these stories. They came to me constantly. I finally sat down and just started writing. I always wanted to do it so I figured, why not?

I never thought I would reach this point of success to be honest. It’s insane to me that I have connected with so many readers.

And I love each and every one of them for all of their support. I’ll be honest, some days are HARD. I have my littles during the day and I write at night. Some days are just simply exhausting and then I hear from a reader and it motivates me to push through and keep writing.  I couldn’t be more grateful for this wonderful career. For more information, visit

Keep up with W. Winters and receive your FREE copy of one of her books when you subscribe to her newsletter:

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Thursday, August 8, 2024




Louise Bay

Release Date: August 8



A grumpy. reclusive New York billionaire meets his match in the maid who makes his

bed (in more ways than one).

When an older guy with a dirty grin and an expensive suit flirts with me from the next

barstool, I don’t realize I’m about to have a one-night stand with the man I desperately want

to work for.

After a night that leaves my world (and body) shaken, I start my summer job housekeeping in

a five-star hotel even though I’m determined to kickstart my career in tech. As I dust and

polish the Park Suite, in walks Mr. Dirty Grin—now with an icy glare.

Why is the man from last night who was so charming (and good with his tongue) so furious

this morning? As I piece together the puzzle, I discover the guest in the Park Suite is none

other than Ben Fort, the reclusive tech mogul I want to work for.

Ben has kept his identity hidden for years and he wants to know how I figured him out


As he questions me, I don’t waste time telling him he’s a (super-hot) grump who needs to

lighten up—and give me a job.

I don’t want to sleep my way to the top, and he doesn’t trust me. But neither of us can resist

the sizzling sparks that fly every time I fluff his pillows.

Grab Your Copy HERE!

My thoughts: I had so much fun reading Ben and Efa's story! I read her sister's story a while back and was happy she got her own. The title is true because these two definitely had chemistry. The story was witty and steamy


Meet Louise Bay

 International, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, Louise Bay writes contemporary romance novels that make you laugh - the kind she likes to read.   Ruined by the bonk-busters of the eighties, Louise was inspired by Judith Krantz and Jackie Collins, but wants to be Emily Henry when she grows up.   Louise loves the rain, RHOBH, London, days when she doesn't have to wear make-up, hanging out with her kid, elephants and champagne (not necessarily in that order).   She loves to hear from readers so get in touch!   

 Keep up with Louise Bay and subscribe to her newsletter:   

 To learn more about Louise Bay& her books, visit here!  

   Connect with Louise Bay

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The Secret Hook-Up


Title: The Secret Hook-Up
Author: Pippa Grant
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Second Chance/Secret Fling/Auction
Release Date: August 1, 2024


You’d think nearly dying trying to get out of a too-tight gown in a dressing room and being saved by a strong, competent man was a good thing.

Not so much, though, when that strong, competent man is your ex. Your secret ex.

And the reason you need a gown is because you’re part of a charity auction.

The charity auction where he gets into a bidding war to win you.

And now, because you’re one of few female coaches in professional baseball, and he’s the captain of the local professional hockey team, and he paid a ridiculous sum of money for you…

The entire city is shipping you. You can’t leave your apartment without getting a knowing wink from strangers. Your bosses want to use the publicity to have you jointly launch a new community outreach program.

That’s bad enough. It truly is.

But even worse?

Duncan Lavoie, the green-eyed, curly-haired, dimple-cheeked, hot as lava hockey player wants a second chance. And he’ll play dirty to get it.

The Secret Hook-Up is a laugh-out-loud romcom featuring the hot-as-sin hockey captain of the Copper Valley Thrusters, the Copper Valley Fireballs’ lady baseball coach he never got over, and a misbehaving formal gown. It stands alone and comes complete with a happily-ever-after.

This book was another great read by Pippa Grant. It has humor, awkward situations, and lots of wit. I really enjoyed this story. 



Free in Kindle Unlimited



Pippa Grant wanted to write books, so she did. Before she became a USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling romantic comedy author, she was a young military spouse who got into writing as self-therapy. That happened around the time she discovered reading romance novels, and the two eventually merged into a career. Today, she has more than 30 knee-slapping Pippa Grant titles and nine written as Jamie Farrell. When she's not writing romantic comedies, she's fumbling through being a mom, wife, and mountain woman, and sometimes trying to find hobbies. Her crowning achievement? Having impeccable timing for telling stories that will make people snort beverages out of their noses. Consider yourself warned.